Navigating the Game Manual and seeking answers to questions is an important part of learning a new game. After viewing and discussing the Rules and Regulations, if you still have questions, please email at [email protected]. Additionally, as the season develops, the rules and regulations may adapt and change as the game evolves. Due to this, please regularly check the website for active updates to the rules. Prior to a competition, please review the rules and any updates they may have occurred as they will be used as the Official Rules during the scoring of each round.
Hoop Mission
Tennis Ball Stand Mission (Light Side)
Infinity Mission
Tennis Ball Stand Mission (Dark Side)
Landing Mission
Hoop and Ball Mission
Sun and Moon
- The Moon (white ping pong ball) will start in the left corner of the Light Side in reference to the Main Pilot position, and the Sun (orange ping pong ball) will start in the far right corner of the Dark Side in reference to the Main Pilot.
- If the Moon is pushed into the Dark Side, the team earns 10 points.
- If the Sun is pushed into the Light Side, the team earns 10 points.
- If either ball maintains contact with the PVC border at the end of the round, the team earns an additional 5 points for that ball.
- If both the Sun and the Moon are in their correct zones at the end of the match, regardless of whether they are touching the border, the team earns an extra 7-point bonus.
- At the beginning of the tournament, judges will place the Sun and Moon in their starting positions, and they will remain in these positions throughout the competition. While practicing, teams should prepare for these placements and strategize to complete the mission effectively.
Passing Dark Side
- If the drone flies over the wall entering the dark side (10 points)
- If the drone flies around the wall entering the dark side (0 points)
- If the drone return back to light side once enter to dark side 5 points penalty will apply.
Tennis Ball in Milk Jug
Team can place three milk jugs any place in the field before game start. Each tennis ball in jugs light side 10 points, dark side 20 points. Team should come up with a strategy for this mission to place the jugs. You may use all jugs for one mission and increase your chance have one ball in jugs or you can use different location and increase your chance to have more tennis ball in the jugs.